Any person who wishes to speak at a Committee or Council meeting must complete the Delegation Request Form on or before 12:00 p.m. (noon) on the Friday prior to the Council or Standing Committee meeting. For all other Committees, delegations must provide a written request on or before forty-eight (48) hours prior to the meeting. Delegations consisting of more than five (5) people will be limited to two (2) speakers. Delegations will be permitted on a first come first served basis.
Shortly after submission, staff will notify you if your request has been approved. If you wish to speak at a Public Meeting that is scheduled in accordance with the Planning Act, 1990, as amended, you do not need to register as a delegation, however it is encouraged.
To ensure compliance with the Municipal Freedom of Information and Protection of Privacy Act, 1990, as amended, any and all materials to be displayed in the Council Chambers must be submitted to the Office of the Clerk by no later than noon on the Friday before the meeting. Any materials provided after the deadline will not be accepted.
Delegations related to policy matters that have been dealt with in the last four (4) months, litigation or potential litigation including matters which are before and under the jurisdiction of any court or administrative tribunal unless the matter is referred to Council by the said administrative tribunal or court, Notice of Motions, by-laws and closed session items will not be permitted.
For more information related to delegations at a meeting held virtually, please see the Delegation Tip Sheet.
View our Council and Committee Calendar for upcoming meetings.
How long can I speak for?
A delegation concerning agenda items has a maximum of ten (10) minutes. Speaking time may only be extended by an additional five (5) minutes at the discretion of the Chair.
The allotted time includes any audio or video presentations, but does not include answering questions from the Members.
Helpful Hints for Engaging Council