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Boards and Committees

The Town of Grimsby has various Boards and Committees intended to provide a forum for public input so recommendations can be made to Council on issues within their defined areas of responsibility.  A list of the Standing and Advisory Committees with their respective member appointments for the 2022-2026 term of Council is below.

Standing Committees:

Planning and Development Committee

This committee oversees the activities of Planning, Development, Heritage, and Building, as well as any other matters that may require committee consideration. The Planning Open House and Statutory Meetings will continue with participation of all Members of Council.

  • Mayor Jordan, Councillor Freake, Councillor Baradziej, Ian Potter, Dave Drew
Corporate Services Committee

This committee oversees Legal, Clerks, Human Resources, By-laws, IT, Fire Services and CAO matters. Due to the internal facing matters that will be discussed here, this committee does not include members from the community. 

  • Mayor Jordan, Councillor Freake, Councillor Howe, Councillor Vardy
Finance Committee

This committee oversees the activities of the Town’s Finance Department, including procurement, annual user fees, audits, claims, and any other matters that may require committee consideration. The Budget Committee of the Whole (full body of Council) will be responsible for the annual operating and capital budget exercise.

  • Councillor Davoli, Councillor Howe, Councillor Vardy, Anthony Scandinavo, Brian Hutchings, Bill Thomson
Public Works Committee

This committee oversees the activities of the Town’s Operations Department (roads and water), Engineering, and the Town’s Asset Management Plan, as well as any other matters that may require committee consideration.

  • Councillor Korstanje, Councillor Davoli, Councillor Howe, Councillor DiFlavio, Margo Smeenk, Paul Murphy, Mark Radey
Community Services Committee

This committee oversees the activities of the Town’s Community Services Department and includes matters pertaining to parks, trails, open space, facilities, recreation, and culture.

  • Councillor Korstanje, Councillor Howe, Councillor DiFlavio, Councillor Charrois, Dylan Brethour, Lori Laird

Advisory Committees:

Grimsby Economic Advisory Committees (GEDAC)

GEDAC advises Council on Economic Development matters and promoting Economic Development in the Town of Grimsby. The Committee recommends to Council ways and means by which to retain and recruit appropriate industrial, commercial, and other business enterprises to the Town and further explore critical areas such as tourism.

  • Councillor Freake, Councillor Baradziej, Bill Ashburn, Rick Trigatti, Frank Commisso, Benjamin Purkiss
Heritage Advisory Committee

The Heritage Grimsby Advisory Committee is a group of volunteers that provides Council with advice on identifying, conserving and promoting heritage within the Town of Grimsby. The Committee provides consultation under the Ontario Heritage Act with regards to property and district designation (Part IV and Part V designations); the Town Heritage Register; development applications involving heritage items; and establishing easements to protect heritage items.

  • Councillor DiFlavio, Councillor Korstanje, Sara Nixon, Brian Riley, Amy Freeman
Joint Accessibility Advisory Committee (JAAC)

The JAAC works to advise and assist the partner municipalities in promoting and facilitating a barrier-free municipality for citizens of all abilities (universal accessibility), including persons with disabilities. This aim shall be achieved through the review of municipal policies, programs and services and the identification, removal and prevention of barriers faced by persons with disabilities.

  • Councillor Korstanje, Lisa Peso
Grimsby Public Library Board

The Grimsby Public Library Board is responsible for making policies for the operation of the library, obtaining appropriate funding for library materials, services and programs, and for promoting the library in the community.

  • Councillor Howe, Alyssa Seul, Carrie deRoo, Hannah Skinner, Deirdra Burke, Kim Palios, Brian Smith, Margaret Bowman, Erica Noordermeer
Committee of Adjustment

The Committee of Adjustment is comprised of five citizens appointed by Council to consider applications for minor variances to Zoning By-law 14-45, and applications for consent (land severance). The Committee of Adjustment is a quasi-judicial body, similar to an informal court that operates under the Planning Act, the Statutory Powers Procedure Act, and various provincial regulations. The Committee operates independently from the Town Council.

  • Daniel Collins, Adam Mottershead, Kevin Antonides, Dylan Bailey, Fabia Billing
Grimsby Green Advisory Committee

The Grimsby Green Advisory Committee is an environmental advisory body that will help promote the stewardship, preservation, conservation, protection and enhancement of the natural and built environment in the Town of Grimsby to build a vibrant, complete, and healthy community. The Committee supports and advocates for responsible environmental practices and conservation of resources with respect to air, land, and water.

  • Councillor Vardy, Councillor Baradziej, George Bodnar, Bob Friesen, Annette Gibbons, Bruce Mackenzie, Marilyn McCrea, Maureen Ricker
Culture Advisory Committee

The Culture Advisory Committee was established to advance and advocate for culture experiences and resources in the community. It is an amalgamation of both the Grimsby Museum Board and Grimsby Public Art Gallery Board. Recommendations are made towards the maintenance and growth of the inventory of Grimsby’s cultural assets, including the collections at the Grimsby Public Art Gallery and the Grimsby Museum.

  • Councillor Freake, Councillor Baradziej, Adrienne Brown, Deena Errampalli, Anne Foster Brabant, Tina Karwalajtys, Lynne Germaine
Age Friendly Advisory Committee

The Age Friendly Advisory Committee was established to provide recommendations to Council regarding a strategy and action plan to elevate the profile, level of leadership, and engagement of seniors in the community. Additionally, recommendations are made on how to facilitate active lifestyles for all seniors, optimize health and wellness services for seniors, and to improve access and utilization of various services and supports.
World Health Organization Age Friendly Checklist

  • Mayor Jordan, Adrienne Brown, Olga McNeil, Ursula Pelissero, Leanne Wallace, Cairine Wilson

We want to learn from the perspectives and experiences of older adults so together we can further strengthen the Town of Grimsby as an age-friendly community. We would love to hear from you! Complete the short survey by March 18th, 2024. Click the link to view the survey page: Age-Friendly Survey


Contact Us

Town of Grimsby
160 Livingston Avenue
Grimsby ON, L3M 0J5
Phone: 905-945-9634
Fax: 905-945-5010

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